I tried to post on https://liminal.forum/practical-computer/topics/5#1728745598271
But my original message seemed to hang and showed a progress bar up top here in Safari. I reloaded some way through and my message hadn’t gotten through.
I had copied before the reload, then I pasted & posted and that went fast.
Not sure if there’s anything you can spot in an APM or error monitoring.
Aw man, I’m sorry! I don’t see any exceptions, and only one logged POST request for each of the instances you mentioned above, and both were successful.
I’m testing out Safari right now, and will setup New Relic shortly. I also have it on the roadmap to store post body in local storage, so it doesn’t get lost if the submission fails. Please let me know if you keep seeing this, or if you discover any clues.
Not to continue being the have you tried this tool? person, but for my indie apps I’ve really been digging Honeybadger Insights + Rails Semantic Logger as a good combination with a generous free plan. Plus, I mean, it’s Honeybadger!
Also, more than happy to share my boilerplate code for it!
# application.rb
if AppSettings.rails_semantic_logger_format
config.rails_semantic_logger.format = AppSettings.rails_semantic_logger_format.to_sym #json
if AppSettings.log_to_std_out?
$stdout.sync = true
config.rails_semantic_logger.add_file_appender = false
config.semantic_logger.add_appender(io: $stdout, formatter: config.rails_semantic_logger.format)
if AppSettings.log_to_honeybadger_insights?
appender = PracticalFramework::HoneybadgerSemanticLoggerAppender.create
config.semantic_logger.add_appender(appender: appender, formatter: config.rails_semantic_logger.format)
# honeybadger_semantic_logger_appender.rb
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'semantic_logger'
class PracticalFramework::HoneybadgerSemanticLoggerAppender
def self.create
appender = SemanticLogger::Appender::Http.new(
url: "https://api.honeybadger.io/v1/events"
appender.header["X-API-Key"] = AppSettings.honeybadger_api_key
appender.header["User-Agent"] = "Custom Semantic Logger; #{RUBY_VERSION}; #{RUBY_PLATFORM}".freeze
return appender
# initializers/honeybadger.rb
# frozen_string_literal: true
# i.e. config/initializers/honeybadger.rb
Honeybadger.configure do |config|
config.env = AppSettings.app_env
config.api_key = AppSettings.honeybadger_api_key
config.root = Rails.root.to_s
config.insights.enabled = true
Hey, thanks for sharing, @tcannonfodder! I’ve been wanting to give Insights a try. On this project, I’ve been trying to stick to my standard toolset as much as possible, just because velocity is preeminent. But I’d like to try this out somewhere soon. If we had image uploads, I’d ask to see what your Insights dashboard looks like. 😅😂😭
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